Fit Tips

Mall Walking November 28 2016

Getting out and getting active is key to health and happiness year-round, and especially in the hectic holiday season.  Mall Walking is a great way to multi-task – getting in miles while window-shopping in a safe, climate-controlled environment with restrooms, water fountains and benches.  Win-Win!

Rock Star July 29 2016

Whether outdoor on a mountain or indoor on a man-made wall, rock climbing allows you to rise to new physical and psychological heights.  Be a Rock Star!

Exercise Everywhere September 23 2015

In my 'non-JWalking' life, I produce television shows and on a recent project, I met Toby Bogard. The long-haul trucker uses his limited time and severely-limited inside-truck space to exercise and eat healthy. Here are some of his tips - driven by imagination and ingenuity.

Treadmill Tips January 14 2015

In the winter weather, icy pavement and freezing temps force many of us to move our miles indoors.  But, the word "treadmill" invokes dread in many... What are ways to stay motivated while running, walking and dreading time on the treadmill?